21 Ocak 2012 Cumartesi



     Sculpture is a type of artwork. It is tree-dimensional, and created by shaping  or combining hard materials. These materials can be stone, marble, metal, glass or wood. Softer materials such as plastics, clay, textiles, polymers can be used, too. This artwork can sometimes include sound, text, light, etc. 
     Materials can be worked by removal (carving) , can be assembled by welding, can be hardened by firing, etc. Sculptor may apply paint to decorate the surface.

     Types of Sculpture 
     -Free-standing sculpture
     -Sound sculpture
     -Light sculpture
     -Jewelery or Jewelry sculpture
     -Relief (attached to a background)
     -Site- specific art
     -Stacked art
     -Architectural sculpture
     -Environmental sculpture

      Sculpture in Cultures
     Actually, i would like mention that it is really difficult to talk about sculpture in every culture. I will just talk about the most important cultures in terms of sculpture considering this fact. These are Egyptian and Greek cultures. 
     Egyptian Culture 
     This art has been carried out in Egypt for thirty centuries. In this culture, strong materials such as granite, basalt have been used. Inside and outside of the temples have been decorated by using sculptures.
     Style of the sculptors in Egypt has changed in the course of the time. We can understand this change from the positions and materials of the sculptures. Figures are generally dormant. On standing figures, body weight is equal in both legs. Arms are adherent to the body. Hands are in fist shape.
     Egyptian sculptors have to make plain sculptures, because the materials they use are really hard. That's why, there is no details such as muscles or face expressions. We can find details only on the ones used for adorning the graves. The cause of it is these sculptures' housing the spirits of the dead people. 
     Greek Culture
     In this culture, there is a standard type. Personal features are not important. Even the body size of the sculptures is standard.
     At first, they used stone, bone, ivory, clay, bronze,etc. Over the course of time, they improved this art. They started to make monumental sculptures. There are many reasons for this development. One is a tradition which requires making sculptures for the athletes succeeding in Olympics. Another reason is improving architecture.
     On the sculptures of this culture, we can see the arms, legs and head being in different directions. We can understand that Greek sculptures have worked on human.


2 yorum:

  1. Dear Ayfer !
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    See you.
    Best Wishes.

  2. Dear Mualla,
    Thanks for your kind comment. I got really surprised when i saw it, because there are not many people interested in this kind of art. I also thank you, as you find my posts good.
    Have a nice holiday :D
