Smiling is an expression which occurs when somebody flexes the muscles around his/her mouth.
When somebody smiles,it is generally understood that he/she is happy.It reflects positive emotions such as joy,pleasure,etc in most of the countries in the world,including our country.
It is an interesting fact that there are countries perceiving smiling as an expression which shows sadness,anger,embarrasment,etc.For example,in Japan,it means someone is confused or angry when smiling.In some parts of the Asia,it reflects embarrasment.In Southern Asian cultures,it shows emotional pain or embarrasment.Vietnamese people smiles when someting bad happens.Russian people think it is a suspicious behaviour to smile at a stranger person in public.Americans,unlike what Russians do,smiles whenever and wherever they want.This creates conflicts between these two countries.
Cultures make differences even in terms of smiling.I was shocked when i learned about this for the first time.I had never thougth there would be such a difference.It would be funny to go these countries and experience this :D

Dear Ayfer,
YanıtlaSilAs I was looking at your article I realized that you chose a topic that is suitable for you.You are a cheerful person like the people in the pictures above :-)
In addition,I was surprised by the fact that how such a nice thing as smiling can be perceived badly in other cultures.
Your topic is a representation of yourself.It is a good choice..
YanıtlaSilI guess i missed my chance to make the opening comment on your reflection as Seyma was faster than me :) I mentioned this because the things Seyma said are similar to my thoughts and that´s why i am going to agree with her.Like Seyma said before,you´re a very cheerful person.To be honest,you could be even the most cheerful person I have ever met as you are walking around almost! all the time with this--> :D :D expression on your face.Your choosing this topic is smart as no one can say that they don´t like it.Smiling is considered to be something 'good'without dispute.It is so at least in our country,as from the info given above there can be some other perceptions.Your informing us is nice as we got the chance to learn some useful and interesting things about other cultures.I think the only mistake you did was that you wrote too short.I´m of this opinion because smiling is something universal.It is present in every culture ,it´s everywhere.As a result what you did is like squeezing all this material in a small box.If you could write a little bit more about this topic(but be careful and don´t exggerate it like i did :p)than your reflection would be perfect :)love you,bye
Thanks for your kind comments.I smiled while reading them :D I am so happy for your perceiving me as a cheerful person,but what will happen if i go any country in which smiling means different emotions? I am not sure if i can spend the time without smiling.It would be so difficult for me.When it comes to shortness of my paragraph...Dear Özlem,my next words are for you:D I didn't write a longer paragraph,because everyone knows almost everything about smiling with the exception of what i wrote.It would be very boring to read the things you already know.Also,It was quite difficult for me to write about this limited topic even in this size.I couldn't find enough information.Next time,i will try to write about a less limited topic.Please do not mention about it this time
Ok Ayfer i got it;)Just relax and don´t get mad at me. :)It was an opinion,just a suggestion but i also agree on what you mentioned.It also makes sense to me ;)You´re right,it must be tough to work on a broad subject like that.Like you said,working on limited topics is much easier and we should make our topic selections accordingly ;):)
YanıtlaSilI am happy that you got it :D I must tell you that i didn't get mad at you.You shared your idea and i shared mine.That's all.There is nothing to exaggerate.I am sorry if i seemed to be an angry person while sharing my ideas.I will try to be calm down for the next time if so.Really sorry.Thanks for your kind attention :D
First of all, it is an amazing subject to write. I should say that the moment I saw your title, I wanted to comment on your journal. :)
YanıtlaSilI think smiling is one of the most important basic needs.In fact, it is the vital energy for us to live on. As a person who loves smiling, I would like to live in a country in which smiling has a single meaning "joy". Otherwise, it would be hard for me to live in the countries which you talk about in your journal because I fear I may be misunderstood. :) Neverthless, it would be fine to experience living in such countries even if it may be hard for us to adapt ourselves to them. Finally, it was really fun for me to read your journal.I hope you go on writing on interesting subjects like this one.
Thanks for your kind comment :D I agree with you that smiling is a basic need if it means 'joy' in someone's country.It is good that there are people like you who consider smiling as a basic need. Thanks again :D